Here are some resources directly relevant to the 'Daniel, Islam, Apocalyptic' themes. Participants are invited to email suge\gestions for other resources to
Carey, G., 'Daniel as an Americanized Apocalypse', Interpretation: A journal of Bible and Theology, 2017, Vol. 71(2) 190-203
Cook, D., 'An Early Muslim Daniel Apocalypse', Arabica , Volume 49 (1): 55 – Jan 1, 2002
Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic, The Darwin Press, 2002
Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature, Syracuse University Press, 2008
'From Dabiq to Jerusalem: Trajectories of Contemporary Salafi-jihadi Apocalypticism.' In C. McAllister (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature (Cambridge Companions to Religion, pp. 270-287). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
DiTomasso, L., 'The Four Kingdoms of Daniel in the Early Mediaeval Apocalyptic Tradition', in A. B. Perrin et. al (eds), Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel, Brill, 2021, pp205-250
'The Apocryphal Daniel Apocalypses: works, manuscripts and overview', Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses,
94/2 (2018) 275-316.
Gane, Roy (2016) "Methodology for Interpretation of Daniel 11:2-12:3," Journal of the Adventist Theological Society: Vol. 27 : Iss. 1 , Article 13.
Hadda, Y., and J.I. Smith, 'The Anti-Christ and the End of Time in Christian and Muslim Eschatological Literature', The Muslim World, Vol 100, 2010, pp 505-529
Hjälm, M.L., 'The Four Kingdom Schema and the Seventy Weeks in the Arabic Reception of Daniel', in A. B. Perrin et. al (eds), Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel, Brill, 2021, pp 251-274
Pseudo-Methodius. A full translation of this early apocalyptic response to the the early expansion of Islam can be found in Banjamin Garstad, Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius. An Alexandrian world chronicle : Pseudo-Methodius, Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Harvard University Press, 2012.
Shoemaker, S., '“The Reign of God Has Come”: Eschatology and Empire in Late Antiquity and Early Islam', Arabica, vol 64, 2014, pp514-558
Silverstein, A.J., 'Daniel 1–6 in Classical Islamic Culture and the Gospel According to Ibn Hishām', Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 141, No. 3 (July-September 2021), pp. 587-611
“‘Who Are the Aṣḥāb Al-Ukhdūd? Q 85:4-10 in Near Eastern Context.’” Der Islam 96, no. 2 (2019): 281–323. doi:10.1515/islam-2019-0025.
Vogel, W., 'The Eschatalogical theology of Martin Luther: part two Luther's exposition of Daniel and Revelation', Andrews University Seminary Studies, Summer 1987, Vol. 25, No. 2, 183-199
Video of the Daniel tomb in Samarkand: Дониёр мақбараси / Doniyor maqbarasi - YouTube