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Reading the Bible in Islamic Context 3:


Daniel, Islam, Apocalyptic



Organised by the Center for Muslim & Christian Studies, Houston


"Daniel in the Hadith"


Friday, 12th August, 2022  


Dr Mohamed Wardany Abdel Rady Abdallah (Al-Azhar University, Cairo), 'The (Sunni) Hadith narrations concerning Daniel'

Azadeh Rezaie (Islamic Apocalyptic Research Group), 'Shi'i Hadith and traditions about Daniel'.



Recordings from previous symposia are on our the 'Recordings' page.

Papers and Power Points are posted in the 'Forum'



We began with two half days on Feb 24th and 25th, 2022 (see program below), and continue to meet on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 0900 Houston time/1500 UK time with a series of symposia and a reading group. 


THE READING GROUP is reading through the biblical book of Daniel chapter by chapter, considering Qur'anic and other intertexts and other issues on the Muslim-Christian interface.   If you wish to participate, please join the 'Biblical Daniel Reading Group' on the 'Share Space' page of this website.


We invite abstracts for future symposia, especially those which would look at

(1) Islamic reading of the biblical book of Daniel

(2) Islamic Daniel traditions and apocalypses

(3) Popular interpretations of Daniel and Christian views of Islam in the USA

(4) The implications of broader 'apocalyptic' and end-times thinking for Christian-Muslim relations and for public policy.






Program for Feb 24th-25th (Recordings of session appear on the 'Recordings' page of this website.

24th:   0930-1330  Houston time/ 1530-1930 Oxford time

Interpreting the biblical book of Daniel: 

Introduction: Ida Glaser, chair (CMCS Oxford and CMCS Houston); William Martin (Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University)


John Goldingay (Fuller Theological Seminary emeritus), 'The Story of Daniel'

Respondents:   John Collins (Yale), Emad Botros (Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Beirut), Judith Mendelsohn Rood (Biola University emerita)


Reception of the biblical book of Daniel and associated apocalyptic in Islamic contexts:

Nilufar Abdusatarova (Bible Society of Uzbekistan), 'The Tomb of Daniel in Samarkand'

Azadeh Rezaei (Iran; Islamic Apocalyptic Research Group), 'The Tomb of Daniel in Susa'

(Judy Wangombe, Africa International University, Nairobi, 'Islamic Apocalyptic Perceptions:  A contextual reading of the Johannine epistles with a focus on the anitchrist' Postponed)


Working groups



25th:  0930-1330 Houston time/1530-1930 Oxford time

Interpreting Islam through Daniel:  historical examples from Christian and Jewish writings

Chair:  Ana Valdez (University of Lisbon)

Emmanouela Grypeou (Stockhom University), 'The reception of Daniel in the Eastern Christian post-Islamic apocalyptic literature'

Michael Graves (Wheaton College), 'Muslims and Christians among the kingdoms of the world in medieval Jewish commentaries on Daniel'


Interpreting Islam in the USA today:  popular apocalypse and views of Islam

Chair:  Alex Massad (CMCS Houston)

Jon Stone, California State University, 'Naming the ‘Islamic’ Anti-Christ: Mapping the shifting terrain of pre- and post-9/11 American millennialist speculation'



Working groups and feedback




Following the 2020 'Reading the Gospels in Islamic Context' conference


As part of the 'Reading the Bible in the Context of Islam' (RBCI) project led by Ida Glaser at the Centre for Muslim  the Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford, a three-day conference in September 2020 discussed papers around the interpretation of the New Testament gospels in Islamic contexts. 


Selected papers are being edited for publication as a volume in the Routledge Reading the Bible in Islamic Context series. The current two volumes are below.

The discussion continued in an online a 'Sermon on the Mount Reading Group'.   Recordings are available.

Books in Routledge's Reading the Bible in Islamic Context Series


Click on the covers for more information...​

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